Sergio Cammariere Trio

di Ravello Festival

Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer Gratuito


  • Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer
  • Via della Repubblica, 12
  • Ravello, Costiera Amalfitana, 84010
  • Italia


Jazz in Piazza: Sergio Cammariere Trio

Saturday, September 11
Piazza Duomo Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer, 9.15 p.m.

Sergio Cammariere, piano
Luca Bulgarelli, double bass
Amedeo Ariano, drums


The Sergio Cammariere concert scheduled tomorrow (Saturday, September 11, 21.15) in Piazza Duomo, due to the yellow weather alert issued by the Regional Civil Protection, has been moved to the Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer.

Admission to the concert is free with compulsory reservation via email at until all available seats are filled.

WARNING Given the limited capacity of the room, each request to be considered confirmed must be found. With each email you can reserve up to a maximum of 4 seats. The request must indicate the name, surname and telephone number of each guest.

For access to the Auditorium it will be necessary to show the green pass or equivalent certification.

Ravello Festival

Ravello Festival

Sergio Cammariere Trio


Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer

Via della Repubblica, 12, Ravello, Costiera Amalfitana, 84010, Italia